Christopher-Sebastian McJetters

Longtime vegan and social justice advocate Christopher-Sebastian McJetters lives in New York City. A copyeditor by profession, Sebastian is a staff writer at Vegan Publishers and part-time lecturer on speciesism at Columbia University. In his spare time, he provides lectures with Peace Advocacy Network pledges to explore the intersection of racism and speciesism, which argues why veganism is a necessary goal to deconstructing both. He has contributed to the anthology 'Circles of Compassion: Connecting Issues of Justice' edited by Dr. Will Tuttle, UK-based Barefoot Vegan magazine, and the blog Striving With Systems in collaboration with founders of the Microsanctuary Movement, Justin Van Kleek, and Rosemary Beaumanguer.

Presented for Vegstock 2015:

Race, Class, Species: Dismantling Injustice By Embracing Veganism and Animal Rights

Christopher-Sebastian spoke at the Riverfront Rennaisance Center for the Arts (RRCA) at 22 North High Street, Millville NJ 08332 for Vegstock 2015.
